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T. C. F I T N E S S

MIND  âœµ  BODY  âœµ  SOUL

Pink to Orange Gradient


Meet Coach


Hello! My name is Taylor Campbell.

I am a Graduate of the Fitness and Health Promotion Program.

I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Coach and Kettlebell Instructor.

I am someone who is very passionate about health and fitness, holistic wellness, and helping those who need guidance on their journey towards reaching and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I truly love physical activity, and how much it has contributed to my health and overall well-being over the last 7 years of my life.

When I was a kid, I loved to swim, skate, roller blade, bike, and on the odd time throw the football around with my brother. 

I spent a few of my younger years learning Jujitsu, and currently, I occasionally practice Muay-Thai and Kick-Boxing.


When I was in high school, I played on the Bengal's girls touch football team, and after the season ended and I graduated, I needed something to keep me active. 


I decided to start going for short runs and exercising at home as I was quite intimidated of the gym atmosphere. I picked up a couple dumbbells, ankle weights, a stability ball, a mat, and I was good to go!

I started my fitness journey by doing research and teaching myself exercises at home.

I set certain days of the week to complete them, and inevitably I felt the positive effects that come with participating in physical activity on a regular basis. 

After understanding and experiencing the difference that living a healthy lifestyle made in my every day life, it sparked something inside of me that made me feel like I needed to help others feel this way too.

I then understood that this was my purpose and calling, and I needed to follow the path that felt destined for me.

I didn't waste much time, and I soon after applied to Algonquin College. 
I graduated from the Fitness and Health Promotion Program at Algonquin College in 2018.


Since then, I have been perfecting my craft, learning, innovating, and helping my clients reach their ultimate potential.
I decided I wanted to make this my own business, so that I can teach my clients all of the things that I personally believe in, and so that I can help as many people possible within my lifetime with my methods and techniques.
I strongly believe in full body, functional movement. The body was designed to work together, as one, and I can tell you that it is most effectively and efficiently used when executed this way. 
As mentioned before, I am also a strong believer  in holistic wellness. This means looking at every aspect of your health instead of just the physical part. This is important because exercise isn't a band-aid fix all things solution. There are other things that sometimes need to be addressed as well in order to get you where you truly need to be in order to succeed.

I know this because I've been through it, and learned the hard way. Now that I know this, and have experienced it, I want to help others know and experience it, too.

With a private gym setting, it really takes away all of the distractions and allows us to thrive where we are comfortable. The gym can be a very intimidating, and overwhelming place. 
I used to get severe gym anxiety, and I knew I couldn't be the only one, especially those just starting out. This is why I have been on the search for a private facility to offer my clients for quite some time now. To remove all of the obstacles that may be or have been standing in your way. To offer you somewhere that is welcoming and comfortable. Free of ego and judgement. Only room for progress.
That's my kinda gym!

I would love to learn more about you and what I can do to help you reach your goals. 

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Personal Training Certification

Fitness & Health Promotion Diploma

Kettlebell Instructor Certification


Exercise Health Practitioner Certification

Level C
CPR & 
Standard First Aid Certifications


2019 was my breaking point. I was depressed, overweight and feeling so hopeless. I decided to make a change and joined 180 Fitness. That's when I met Taylor.

She was a bubbly, positive and motivational instructor there and I loved her workout style - challenging yet achievable regardless of your activity level. I decided to invest in myself and got some Personal Training sessions with her in 2020.

Fast forward almost a year later and I am still working out twice a week with her. Why you wonder?

Well, it's simple. I have a degenerative auto-immune disease. I am in pain 24/7. But I discovered that during and after each workout session, I don't feel the pain and that can sometimes last for hours after a workout.

I discovered that exercise is medicine, as much for the mind as it is for the body. Taylor has been an essential part of my pain management regimen. She has tailored my workouts based on how I feel physically, but always throws in a little challenge to keep me motivated.
Whatever your reason is for working out, Taylor is the Trainer you want and need. Her empathy, flexibility, creativity and positivity is why I love working out with her and will continue to do so as long as my body allows me.


- Rachelle G 

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